Castle in the Sky is a piece of digital artwork by George Grie which was uploaded on September 12th, 2016.
Castle in the Sky

by George Grie
Castle in the Sky
George Grie
Digital Art - Graphics
One may build up dreams for years, but it takes only seconds to shutter them away. We all form dream castles of hopes founded on the clouds of desire throughout our lives. It does not do much good to live in cloudy imaginings and forget to live for real though. But is so nice and cozy to rest on the wings of imagination and fly away to the places of faiths, comfort, and no worries. However, the storms of reality are out there and every one of us must eventually face them. The imaginary castle that might resemble one of Wonder Worlds based on the New Swan-stone Castle which is a nineteenth-century Romanesque fortification in Bavaria, Germany. It was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle as well. Here, it is a reminder of the source of our dreams and aspirations – our childhood. Why do you think we dream about romantic castles? I think they are our subconscious symbols of protection, safety, and solitude. We are all still kids; one is more other is less. Even though, all those little ballerinas, cinderellas, and astronauts will become one day sales managers, office workers, or taxi drivers. But it is okay because the beauty of life is; we all still look forward to the future, no matter how old.
September 12th, 2016