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Spirit Photograph - Feeling protected and inspired by Heidi Sieber

Feeling protected and inspired is a photograph by Heidi Sieber which was uploaded on December 13th, 2014.

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Comments (9)

Beverly Guilliams

Beverly Guilliams

Beautiful Presentation, Heida..........Blessings...........v./f.

Heidi Sieber replied:

Thanks so much Beverly!

Heidi Sieber

Heidi Sieber

Thanks for the feature in the group "Spirit of real Europe"

Heidi Sieber

Heidi Sieber

Thanks Jay for the feature in your group "Amateur Photographers" and Stefon for the feature in your group "Appreciating works"

John Bailey

John Bailey

Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Heidi Sieber replied:

Thanks you so much John

Karen Cook

Karen Cook

A tribute to the strength of women around the world, Heidi!

Heidi Sieber replied:

Yes, thanks Karen, the female in every man and woman around the world!

Celeste Manning

Celeste Manning

Wonderful and unique capture!

Heidi Sieber replied:

Thanks so much Celeste!

Suzy Norris

Suzy Norris

Nice one Heidi!

Heidi Sieber replied:

Thanks Suzy!

Sharon Duguay

Sharon Duguay

Lovely capture l/twt

Heidi Sieber replied:

Thanks Sharon!

Heidi Sieber

Heidi Sieber

Thanks Don for the feature in the group "I Wish I Was There"

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Feeling protected and inspired by Heidi Sieber
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