Garden Shadows II is a painting by Anne Gifford which was uploaded on March 5th, 2019.
Garden Shadows II
by Anne Gifford
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9.000 x 12.000 inches
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Garden Shadows II
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
As I look out my window at a snowy, cold day, I thought it would be fun to post this painting that speaks of warmer times. It was interesting to paint the shadow of the bicycle as it falls across a Colorado summer garden in full bloom. The inspiration for my painting was taken from a photograph appreciatively shared by Steve Borzcik of Boulder, Colorado.
March 5th, 2019
More from Anne Gifford
Comments (55)
Lorraine Baum
Congratulations Anne - Your wonderful image has been Featured in the All COLORADO group. Please add it to the 2022 Featured Archives group discussion. L/F
Cheryll Root
I really enjoy this painting! It has so many qualities that I think make an interesting work: color, value changes, and shadows. Very nice!
Hanne Lore Koehler
Revisiting to admire and enjoy this spectacular garden painting, Anne! What gorgeous colors and light! Love the bike shadow! Masterful artistic vision and composition! L/F
Sunil Kapadia
Marvelous color rendering and detailing. Lovely interpretation! F It is said The World Is Small. It is just about 20 hours to hop.
Taphath Foose
Gorgeous work, Anne!!! Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Beautiful Watercolors"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! And also a congratulations as your gorgeous artwork was specially chosen as an “Administrator's Finest” and shared in the Beautiful Watercolors group thread!! 😊
Anne Gifford replied:
Oh, how nice, Taphath! I certainly appreciate all of your features and support.
Jimmy Carender
Beautifully composed painting Anne. I love the bike shadow against the lovely garden flowers.
Lorraine Baum
Wonderful work Annie! So cheerfully colorful, and the bicycle shadow adds drama to the picture. Sharing in All Colorado group discussion. L/F
Bonnie Mason
Love this! A fantastic watercolor painting, good for the soul in these dark cold days, Anne! LF
Angela Davies
Just wonderful and so creative just showing the bike shadow, I love biking so this appeals to me! LF
Sandra Phryce-Jones
Hi Anne wonderful painting the out of picture bike simply wonderful and the watercolour depiction of flower truly masterful fv