Lombardy Homestead is a painting by Steve Henderson which was uploaded on June 1st, 2017.
Lombardy Homestead
Original - Sold
Not Specified
16.000 x 12.000 x 1.000 inches
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Lombardy Homestead
Steve Henderson
Painting - Oil On Canvas
A cluster of Lombardy Poplars are all that remains of a pioneer homestead. Who lived here? What were their hopes and dreams?
These are the questions that come to the forefront of one’s mind when we walk or drive by an old homestead. So often, the home itself is gone. Sometimes, a barn remains, but more frequently, the only sign that a family once lived here, that they built a house in which to live and laugh and love, that they worked and dreamed and ate and slept, is a cluster of trees like these Lombardy Poplars, or a group of fruit trees. Such trees do not pop up by themselves, especially not in some semblance of order, and we are strongly aware that a human hand planted them there, lovingly placed with hopes for their growth.
Lombardy Homestead, the artwork, is a reminder to us of the transience of life, of the non-permanence of things that we take for granted. In the space of less than 100 years, what was once there is no longer. This is most obvious in the country, where the impact of the buildings is smallest and least, but even in great big cities, with all their concrete and infrastructure and skyscrapers and roads, the evidence of time – when there is enough of it – comes forward.
Rome still exists, but its amphitheater, its aqueducts, its phenomenal roads, are ancient ruins of what they once were – tourist attractions. Greece is known for its many temples, none any longer used. To a certain extent, these grand remembrances from the past are nothing more than a cluster of Lombardy Poplars, reminding the people of today that, not so long ago, people of the past lived here with as much bustle and commotion and purpose and noise that we so do today.
Lombardy Homestead is featured on 28 Fine Art America groups.
June 1st, 2017