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Space Photograph - Narrowly missed the Moon by Jasna Buncic

Narrowly missed the Moon is a photograph by Jasna Buncic which was uploaded on March 19th, 2012.

Comments (20)

Ukrainian Artists

Ukrainian Artists

Congratulations on your sale of this wonderful photo!

Jasna Buncic replied:

Many thanks, appreciate it!

Gary Langley

Gary Langley

great image ! well seen !

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thanks Gary :)

Bill Richards

Bill Richards


Jasna Buncic replied:


David Resnikoff

David Resnikoff

Congratulations on the Sale. Felicidades

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thanks David

Petko Pemaro

Petko Pemaro

Congrats on your sale!

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thank you!

Kate Brown

Kate Brown

Nice abstract image, congrats on your sale! v

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thank you Kate!

Robert Meszaros

Robert Meszaros

Congratulations on your sale!

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thanks Robert

Amador Esquiu Marques

Amador Esquiu Marques

Congratulations... If you have time, please visit my photos... thanks!!!!

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thanks Amador

Cynthia Adams

Cynthia Adams

Whoohoo Congratulations Jasna on your Sale!!

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thanks Cynthia, great to see your beautiful paintings again!

Bill Cannon

Bill Cannon

Congratulations on your sale!!

Jasna Buncic replied:

Thanks Bill :)

Branko Jovanovic

Branko Jovanovic

Jasna thanks for the nice comment on the graphics Labyrinth ...prelepe su ti fotografije a mislim da i crtanje nije tajko strasno ..to je zanat :) malo talenta i puno rada i eto ti lepog crteza ili slike...5 % talenta i 95 % rada to je savrsen odnos :)imas oko za lepo tako da mislim da bi uspesna bila i u drugim vidiovima umetnosti isto kao i u fotografiji

Jasna Buncic

Jasna Buncic

Thanks Branko, much appreciated. Tvoja galerija je super, ja fotografiram jer nema sanse da mogu nacrtat kao ti!

Branko Jovanovic

Branko Jovanovic

beautiful gallery ... beautiful discovery for me :) bravo Jasna :)ova fotografija je prva medju jednakima ...sve su lepe

Jasna Buncic

Jasna Buncic

Thanks all for the comments!

Bob and Nancy Kendrick

Bob and Nancy Kendrick

Cool image! voted

Therese Alcorn

Therese Alcorn

Great capture, Jasna! Voted!

Judy Hall-Folde

Judy Hall-Folde

What an interesting capture!

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Narrowly missed the Moon by Jasna Buncic
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