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Fantasy Digital Art - Sunset arrival by Claude McCoy

Sunset arrival is a piece of digital artwork by Claude McCoy which was uploaded on March 19th, 2009.

More from Claude McCoy

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Comments (15)

Piter Van Moort

Piter Van Moort

Terrific work, Claude!

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Piter

Sunil Kapadia

Sunil Kapadia


Carol Lowbeer

Carol Lowbeer

An amazing and mystical work of art, Claude. The deep hues and enchanted aura draws me in instantly! Fav’d and Following!

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Carol

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding Sunset Arrival composition, lighting, shading, brilliant color and artwork! F/L voted

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Gary

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Congratulations on your successful sale!

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Irina

Gull G

Gull G

Action is the foundational key to all success.” – Pablo Picasso 🌸 Congratulations on your recent sale 💖

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Gull G

Ukrainian Artists

Ukrainian Artists

Incredible sunset, Claude! Following

Claude McCoy replied:


Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, stunning rich color and artwork! F/L voted

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Gary

Kip DeVore

Kip DeVore

Congrats, Claude. Very nice.

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Kip

Reynold Jay

Reynold Jay

Looking over your SOLD gallery and this (and all the ships) is my pick for BIG WINNER AWARD! FAV

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Reyno;d

Max Mullins

Max Mullins

Beautiful Claude

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks again

Max Mullins

Max Mullins

Love the color....Great job.....

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Max

Barbara Griffin

Barbara Griffin

A beautiful piece of art Claude... VF

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Barbara

Tap On Photo

Tap On Photo

Amazingly RED! v. Marcie

Claude McCoy replied:


Xueling Zou

Xueling Zou

Gorgeous digital work, Claude! Beautiful and inspiring! Congratulations on your sale!!!

Claude McCoy replied:

Thanks Xuelling

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Sunset arrival by Claude McCoy
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