Sunstruck Yucca is a painting by Anne Gifford which was uploaded on January 26th, 2014.
Sunstruck Yucca
I took a photo of this huge yucca plant while on an early morning walk on a vacation to Sedona, Arizona. I liked the way the highlights fell on the... more
by Anne Gifford
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16.000 x 14.000 inches
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Sunstruck Yucca
Anne Gifford
Painting - Watercolor
I took a photo of this huge yucca plant while on an early morning walk on a vacation to Sedona, Arizona. I liked the way the highlights fell on the leaves, so of course I had to paint it! I only used three colors in this painting: prussian blue, alizarin red, and raw sienna. I enjoyed using a limited palette and seeing how many variations I could get with just those three colors.
January 26th, 2014
More from Anne Gifford
Comments (52)
Gull G
Art provides an opportunity for kaleidoscopic thinking. Each time we shift the lens of our perceptions, we gain new perspectives — and new opportunities for innovation.💖❣️💖 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR RECENT SALE OF A WONDERFUL WORK!
Hiroko Stumpf
Congratulations Anne, on your 2nd place win in the "LETTER S WATERCOLOR" Contest for this beautiful piece!
Tom Jenkins
Congratulations, Anne, on your award in the "S" contest. This is a fantastic composition. I can't help but think that the limited palette played a big part in the dramatic lighting. Great job.
Anne Gifford replied:
Thank you Tom. It was a lot of fun using only three simplified things!
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Anne, on your Win in the Letter S Watercolor Contest. for this wonderful painting! Voted. L/F
Anjuna Sainath
Congratulations Anne on your well deserved win for this fantastic work in Letter S Watercolor contest in BW!
Taphath Foose
CONGRATULATIONS on your SECOND PLACE win in the Letter S Watercolor contest!!! Gorgeous win, Anne!!! 😊
Anne Gifford replied:
Thank you Taphath~! I so very much appreciate the Beautiful Watercolors group.
Ruth Andrews-Vreeland
Anne, this is so beautiful - and I love your limited color palette! Just voted for this piece in the "Letter S Watercolor" contest!
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Anne, on your Win in the Succulents Contest for this wonderful painting! Wonderful light and shadow. Voted.
Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Anne, on your Win in the Springtime in Arizona Contest for this beautiful painting. So well deserved! Voted.
Taphath Foose
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win in the Beautiful Watercolors Special Feature contest!!! Outstanding work, Anne!! So well deserved!!!
Anne Gifford replied:
Thank you for sponsoring such a vibrant, quality group, Taphath! I am honored to have placed in the contest.
Laurel Adams
CONGRATULATIONS ANNE on your SECOND PLACE WIN. In the Beautiful WatercolorsGroup Contest ...magnificent...v...
Anne Gifford replied:
I was pleased to's always a treat and a surprise, too. Thank you for commenting, Laurel.