Reflections on Country Living is a painting by Chuck Pinson which was uploaded on April 21st, 2013.
Reflections on Country Living
by Chuck Pinson
Buy the Original Painting
24.000 x 18.000 inches
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Reflections on Country Living
Chuck Pinson
Painting - Oil On Canvas
* See special priced extra large canvases of other images at Chuck's official site.
I painted "Reflections on Country Living" to celebrate the charm and beauty of the farming life. I always enjoy putting animals and small details throughout my paintings, as well as recalling a time in history when charming architecture, such as the quaint barn and house were a natural part of the farming lifestyle. The lazy cat is meant to accompany the viewer, as it sits on the stump, pondering the geese, birds, and horse as they go about their day on the farm. The animals are meant to be worry free, reminding us to let go of our own worry and take in the enjoyment of each day--perhaps this is easier to do during a day on the farm.
April 21st, 2013
Comments (84)
Kirill Rikart
A huge congrats on the sale of your beautiful artwork! 🌈 Your creativity knows no bounds, and I can't wait to see where your artistic endeavors take you next! 🚀
Kirill Rikart
Congratulations on the sale of your artwork! 🎉 Your talent shines through every brushstroke. Wishing you continued success and inspiration! 🌟